So you have been sponsored to join NC.   Now what?   This is a short description of the process which your application will go through:

Your application will be posted on the Newbie Council headquarter board for all mortal members to look over. After that, they have 2 weeks in which to ask you for interviews, or talk to others about you. This period is so long because we have many members that are on at different times, so we want them to all have a chance to get a fair opinion of you before the voting time starts. After this 2 week period, voting on your application will be opened. This period will last another 2 weeks. After this period is up, an NC immortal will count the votes on your application to see if you have gotten the minimum required for entry to the council. If you have not, you will be notified that you are either barred from applying again, or can apply again at another date. If you have, you will be asked again if you are sure you want to join and inducted into the council. All notifications will take place either through tells or through mudmail.

During your application time, please remember the following:

1. Do not ask members of the council for interviews. They will approach you about it if they are interested in knowing more about you.

2. Do not ask any member, mortal or immortal, to tell you about the status of your application. This information is not to be given out, and if it is, it will result in both you and the member who gave it to be punished.

3. Do not lobby members of NC to vote for you. It will more than likely cause them to vote no if you have hassled them over it.

4. If you are being interviewed, please be punctual and polite. Remember that the NC member interviewing you is giving up their time to see if you are truly interested.

5. Immortal members of NC do *not* cast votes on your application, therefore please do not lobby us for votes or interviews as it will do you no good.

6. Follow the application format when applying. It will help make the process easier if all mortal members who will be voting on you have the information they need about you up front.

Good luck on your sponsorship.

*Information as of July 28, 2005